THE FIRE WATCHERS: EXPERIMENTAL PROJECTS -10 Days Making Anasazi-Style Pottery - Kelly Magelby -Anzick (24PA506) Re-Visited - William McConnell -The Sharpest Cut - Gary Lentz -Processing Himalayan Blackberry Bark - Peter Michael Bauer -Paleolithic Pierced Stick - Hypothesis of Use - Toomaï Boucherat -PROJECT REPORTS -Families In The Wilderness - Alex Breslav -Hunting and Wild Animal Food Gathering - James W. Raup -PRIMITIVE TECHNOLOGY PAPERS -Atlatls Are Levers, Not Springs - John C. Whittaker -Analysis of Atlatl Weights From Mid-Columbia River - Bob Kitch -Dear Rabbit! Using a Rock, Stick, or Knife? - James Willer -Meet The Nightshades - Christopher Nyerges -Lost In The Woods - Steve Adams -Chumash Water Bottle - Paul Campbell
Bulletin #48 - Fall 2014 - No Theme
Cover by Steve Olpin. Bulletin #48 covers a variety of new primitive skills projects. Most are experiential exercises that provide practitioners some solid information from which to build on skills.