-A Modern Primitive Perspective on Transportation by Scott Jones -A Time To Travel by David Wescott -Ahnkuttie – Animating a Hide-on-Frame Greenland-style Qayaq by Kilii Yu -Migrations – A View Afoot by Alice Tulloch -Riding the Reed Ponies of Peru by Norm Kidder and Jan Southworth Kidder -Buildng a Cree-Style Freight Toboggan by David Wescott -The Walking Stick – Diversity in Unity by Steve Adams -Navigation Skills by Keith Badger -Into Wilder Places by Tom Mancke -Marked, But Unharmed by Stuart Goring -Paths of Fire by Scott Jones -Living With Scorpians In the Southwest Desert of Arizona by Peter Bigfoot -The Rocky Mountain Snow Trench by Scott Kuipers -The Bamboo Fire Saw by Al Cornell -The Hoko Knife Revisited by Chuck Kritzon -Pine Pitch Strength by John Waltz -A Thought on the Dry Removal of Dogbane Fibers by Geoffrey Budge and more.
Bulletin #36 - Transportation
Cover by Kiliii Yu, OR. Kiliii paddles Ankuttie in the Snake River (ID). This was a project that took place in a variety of venues, involving students and teachers of primitive technology. As the techniques are passed from teacher to student, the knowledge travels just as the vessel itself traveled on the water and across the country motivating future learners of the craft.