-Pumpkins by Alice Ross -Turning Back the Clock by Maria-Louis Sidoroff -Early Man from the American Museum of Natural History-Picking up Pawpaws by Doug Elliot -Sweet Acorn Mush by Paul Campbell -Working with Black Walnuts by Thomas Stock -The Nutting Stone by Steve Watts -Persimmon Cuisine by Doug Elliot -Soapstone Bowls by David Allison -Bone Chisels by Steve Watts -Perforated Stone Slabs by Scott Jones -Primitive Cooking by Norm Kidder -Those Little Things by Tycho Holcomb -Drying Food by Molly Miller -A Pit Bake by Tamara Wilder -Earth Play-Camas Bake by She’om -An Oven of Mud and Straw by Scott Kuipers -Bread Ovens in Syria by Dr. Noor Mulder-Heymans -Time and Labor Economy – Part 2 by Alice Tulloch -Rat al Mesquite by Paul Campbell -Hand Fishing by Doug Elliot -The Fire Plow by Bart & Robin Blankenship-Primitive Tanning Tips by Matt Richards -Spindle Coal Tech-A Leaf-Shaped Biface by Paul Schweighardt -The Information Gatherers
Bulletin #13 - Foods and Cooking - SOLD OUT!
Cover by David Wescott. A collection of articles that focus on the primitive art of food gathering and preparation. Contributions from noted southeastern primitive technologists. Bread oven experimentation from Syria and experience in the US.